Entering assisted living is a big change in life. It is important that those doing so are well-prepared and informed about the steps they are taking. Before enacting any sudden change on a loved one, do research to determine which elder care option is right for them, and consider giving them authority in the decision-making process. For more information on what it’s like to live in a Colorado assisted living facility, contact one to learn more or schedule a tour.
Facts and Figures on Assisted Living
According to the National Center for Assisted Living, there are over 800,000 residents in American assisted living facilities. Most assisted living residents:
- Are over the age of 85 and began their stay at age 75-84
- Are women (70%)
- Stay at a facility for an average of 22 months before moving to another facility with skilled nursing care
- Need help with bathing, walking, and dressing
- Many residents have health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, or depression
It is also important to note that most assisted living facilities have an age minimum for their residents. This varies between facilities, but this age is usually around 60-65. For information on specific age requirements, contact an individual facility.
Signs of Needing Assisted Living Care
It can be difficult for a loved one to determine when their parents or other family members require additional care. Here are some behaviors that commonly indicate a need for an elder care facility:
- Struggling With Daily Life: Obvious signs of individuals not being able to keep up with daily maintenance tasks usually signify that they need additional care. Easy things to watch for include being unable to keep their hair groomed, do their laundry, or cook their own meals.
- Issues With Tidiness: Another easy way to spot issues is to check loved ones’ homes frequently. This might not be as helpful with individuals who have never been particularly tidy, but if someone who normally runs a clean house suddenly allows their home to become more messy, it might be a sign of cognitive decline. It is also a wise idea to check appliances to see if your loved one remembers to turn them off.
- Medication Management: Check the medicine cabinets to see if there is medication that is untaken or expired. This could be a sign that they could be forgetting to take their medication and need additional help.
- Personality Issues: Sudden changes in a senior’s disposition and personality might indicate a need for a change. This is especially true if they are no longer interested in events and hobbies that they used to enjoy. Losing the ability to perform basic tasks can cause frustration, anger, and sadness.
- Eating Regularly: If your loved ones have lots of expired food in their refrigerator or very little in their refrigerator all the time, it might be a sign that they are not eating enough. This can be true for individuals who lose a lot of weight or no longer have an appetite.
In many cases, age has little to do with whether or not someone needs care from an assisted living facility. As long as they meet the minimum age requirement, they can move to an open facility at any time.
Even if a loved one does not need additional care, they could still benefit from an elder care facility or community. Seniors can feel isolated as they age, but communities specifically for them can help them feel connected to their peers in a meaningful way.
Daily interactions with staff and other members can help keep your loved one on a regular schedule, which can help ease feelings of depression and loneliness.
Q: At What Age Do Most People Go to Assisted Living?
A: Most people move to assisted living facilities in their late 60s to late 80s, with the most common age range being 75-84. Most residents actively living in assisted living facilities are 85 or over, with the average age being 87. Many assisted living facilities have age minimums that vary, but they are usually around 60-65. The specific age at which each individual person moves to assisted living depends on how well they can live independently.
Q: What Is a Good Age to Move to Assisted Living?
A: A good age for an individual to move to assisted living varies depending on the person. For many, it is less about their age and more about their ability to live independently. If someone struggles with basic tasks like bathing, dressing, cooking, or managing their medications, they might need to consider moving to an assisted living facility if they meet the minimum age requirements. Contact a facility today to learn more about your options.
Q: How Do I Talk to My Elderly Parents About Moving?
A: One way to begin the discussion is to research your options beforehand to determine what kind of senior care facility would suit them. The discussion should be a long-term one rather than bringing everything up all at once. It is also important to keep your parents’ preferences in mind to encourage their autonomy in the decision. It can be helpful to discuss logistics like selling the house, downsizing, or moving.
Q: Is Moving Stressful for Seniors?
A: Just like moving at any age, moving into a long-term assisted living arrangement can be stressful for seniors. Giving them autonomy by letting them make as many decisions about their new phase in life as possible can help reduce stress. Be respectful of their possessions, and understand the sentimental importance of certain items while packing or downsizing. It can also be helpful to pack important items like medications and toiletries separately for easy access while moving.
Rocky Mountain Assisted Living: Preserving Seniors’ Dignity
Rocky Mountain Assisted Living was designed to make its residents feel at home. With things like hardwood floors, lots of natural lighting, and soft colors, our facility is a peaceful place for seniors to start their new stage of life. For more information on moving yourself or a loved one into assisted living, contact the staff at Rocky Mountain Assisted Living. We’re here to answer questions and can even provide a tour of the facilities.