Making the decision to move to a Colorado assisted living facility is not one that anybody takes lightly. Beforehand, everyone wants to take the time to do as much research as they can to ensure they end up with optimal care. You or your loved ones deserve the most high-quality facilities, from a desirable staff-to-resident ratio to the values of the organization and the lifestyle they engender. For those searching for assisted living for couples, the search can be yet more complex.

If you are experiencing anxiety about the possibility of living with your spouse in an assisted living facility or about your parents experiencing this, don’t get stressed. Many couples, as they age, rely immensely on one another for companionship, support, and entertainment. Assisted living facilities are accustomed to accommodating couples.

However, it is essential to consider the level of care each individual requires, even if they are extremely close in age. There is no one-size-fits-all in anyone’s story, and differences in age, genetics, and medical needs can cause individuals to require more or less medical attention.

What Problems Can Couples Encounter in Assisted Living Facilities?

An important consideration is the expectations of each spouse. Sometimes, one spouse or partner may expect the other to take care of them, even after they move into assisted living. They may be resistant to allowing the care professionals to assist with their needs.

Conversely, some spouses may be so accustomed to caring for their loved one that it is they who are reluctant to hand over the reins to an experienced and compassionate caregiver. This disparity in needs can lead to unwelcome tension between couples. It can even happen that one part of the couple’s ideal living situation is vastly different from their partner’s.

However, after couples adjust to their new living situation, they’ll likely be more comfortable. Many spouses are unequipped to handle their partners’ needs, especially due to their age. Assisting living allows caregiving spouses to still spend time with their partners without having to provide care that is difficult or impossible for many seniors.

What if One Spouse’s Needs Are Much Greater Than the Other’s?

For couples living at home and experiencing the decline of their loved one while they themselves remain independent, this is yet another conundrum. Their spouse may begin to require more assistance with daily life or memory care if they experience cognitive decline. This adds stress and pressure on both individuals because the caregiver feels as though they are on call 24/7 while the other person may not be receiving the physical and social care that they need.

It is not unusual for couples in this situation to look for a solution where they can both receive care, support, compassion, and socialization while they continue to live together. Adult children may also be seeking this for their parents so they can ensure their continued safety and happiness.

Nevertheless, if the parents require different levels of care, it is imperative to explore the most comfortable option possible. This may ultimately result in them staying in separate rooms while still living in the same facility. This ensures they are together while their individual medical needs are met by the nursing staff.


Q: Is It Okay for Married Couples to Stay in the Same Room at a Nursing Home?

A: Spouses can live together in the same room in some assisted living facilities. Each facility is different, so it is important to do your research. Couples with one partner who requires a much higher level of medical or memory care may consider living in the same facility while inhabiting separate rooms. This will help the couple maintain their relationship, mutual support system, and companionship while their specific medical and social needs are being met by the nursing staff.

Q: Will Medicare Pay for Assisted Living in Colorado?

A: Medicare does not cover the cost of assisted living facilities. It also does not cover other types of long-term residential care, such as memory care facilities or nursing homes. However, it is important to understand the services and opportunities offered by assisted living.

Couples are offered a chance to keep their independence intact as long as possible while they enjoy the benefits of full-time nursing staff, comfortable facilities, and social events with other seniors. For adults who need more help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, this is an ideal opportunity.

Q: What Is the Staffing Ratio for Assisted Living in Colorado?

A: Assisted living residences are required by law to have at least one staff member onsite whenever residents are present, 24 hours a day. There are no legal requirements for staff-to-resident ratios in assisted living residences.

Instead, an assisted living facility needs to employ the number of staff necessary to comply with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regulations. Feel free to ask the director about staff turnover and numbers when you make your inquiries.

Q: How Do I Qualify for Assisted Living in Colorado?

A: To be able to live in an assisted living facility, a couple will need to take a pre-admission assessment, which evaluates both individuals’ levels of independence and care needed. These evaluations take into account the social, cultural, and religious needs of the couple. Not all facilities are equipped to deal with everyone’s specific needs. The following individuals do not qualify for assisted living if:

  • They are consistently incontinent
  • They are bedridden
  • They need round-the-clock nursing services
  • They have a transferable disease or infection
  • They have a substance abuse problem

You Can Rely on a Rocky Mountain Assisted Living Facility

If you and your partner or your parents feel ready to start a journey with assisted living, contact us today. We know how much spouses rely on each other and want to help them find the right facility for their next step in life. Please reach out to find out more about our services, our staff, and our facilities so you can make the right choice.